Birake (BIR)

BIR statistics on

Masternode statistics

Active:    1,760
Inactive:    9
Total:    1,769
  Detailed masternode statuses

Official ROI: 75.77% / 482 days
24 hrs rewards for masternode: 182,780.0000

Last masternode reward: 130.0000 BIR for KDqWwsi1rtTUonqYuT2yAjEsG6qWhXt63p

Blockchain statistics

Last block: 3,191,671
26s ago

24 Hrs blocks: 1,406
24 Hrs block time: 1m 1s
24 Hrs block time variance: -0.0179 % (slower)

AVG block time: 1m 1s
Genesis block: Aug 08 2018 11:58:07

MNO Wallet info

Wallet version:  4010001
Protocol version:  70818
Version:  169900

Wallet is connected to 16 peers
Show BIR addnodes

Search masternode

The majority of masternodes can be found by simply entering the IP address of your server. If there are no results, please enter your wallet's pubkey. It is the address of your masternode. If you still get no results ensure that your masternode is running and was recently connected to the network. We only store information for coins listed on

Masternode list

PubkeyStatusProtocolLast paid
KSB7GcekRPU3zYKgCkQcg7TBC1yKvTG5kyENABLED708184h 2m 11s ago
KBBQ2Mi5Bv4iJhmRTiWNpvReShdGZJhQcWENABLED708184h 2m 26s ago
KU6EKSRscsLj4KbYYh2u8cbuiqoCqstw2sENABLED708184h 2m 41s ago
KNErEC4PisrFV8z4dMBqBrjY36TYKhJzZoENABLED708184h 4m 56s ago
KMGkN1nnQSyzZg2XY2pAN7fWRjsCFp5ADqENABLED708184h 5m 56s ago
KGCz6WHcK1X1D2TT4ZJinkwN59N1W6JrEXENABLED708184h 7m 41s ago
KSNig8Cm7xJ2CxZLL2zDtW86JkPzBwPzYAENABLED708184h 9m 26s ago
K9ucm7PqCk5WQgLXgjLtbQNo2S25bwiardENABLED708184h 9m 41s ago
KJsM2M2KE4pDS25kAgVS2uqjHfKQRcSJsZENABLED708184h 9m 56s ago
KEhp78mbSZcT2vDTK2hTP8e1wavDfBVhf9ENABLED708184h 11m 11s ago
KQesFsGovRfAyDG1eE9dH9QqybdzDoPe1PENABLED708184h 11m 56s ago
KNrQ5wf47BJa9RTxzTwem5eAgg9XqphcKuENABLED708184h 13m 56s ago
KJF5DHd2NaYG1Hb8k66T6dqZsgVgqRvyNdENABLED708184h 15m 11s ago
KAej5WQriuqHPrWbjDNrbipgvQZsKjH4YxENABLED708184h 15m 26s ago
K8xq3P4dVGED9eVkL43ik2BHTp7LQFinNEENABLED708184h 15m 41s ago
KPvMhKHJzj9j3mKMHfg8tUKNHGEX7BooxHENABLED708184h 18m 11s ago
KVuzdLvxL7cjGJsDKhciVnMsqGJd8TeK9CENABLED708184h 18m 26s ago
KNviUvPYxfvGFogykLoEmeS9P1TNq3iYRWENABLED708184h 19m 26s ago
KG7P9XeDwTqyFSRw4ikfaFqTm5Zqza4pdmENABLED708184h 19m 41s ago
KSWwPe7bKy7vLhDn6DSuQHJJMcVEM8cELSENABLED708184h 21m 26s ago
KQuP5shkttzga2wacgJgMcDqeaNviTRLRAENABLED708184h 22m 41s ago
KLUrVEdPDh8msV5ZX7em9m2LFwz9RfY7kkENABLED708184h 22m 41s ago
KTnMUGfcyiahSdmJ6vF3f2e257njQiSGhzENABLED708184h 24m 11s ago
KM5ryks9XypfUh4YnU2Wdn7AVCS2mAaEp6ENABLED708184h 25m 56s ago
KRUoN3LPKYyqEP4TEP5YDHLVb2jCC8wY2zENABLED708184h 26m 11s ago
KEp3Ny3LHCXJFALoddehzBpBmJneTPooiZENABLED708184h 26m 26s ago
KEDQTVqBMbynBuxhLL2R18eR5XU8fc6fCkENABLED708184h 26m 41s ago
KRotgLa7vW3KXT9DS6spk33EbT1AAdT7uZENABLED708184h 27m 26s ago
KQV6SrPRVPcWyX2Pq66cARv8fLxwfmD4BLENABLED708184h 28m 11s ago
KLUcfaptaJXxZq9mzNL4jgyjMNXHCUBTumENABLED708184h 31m 41s ago
KJmZvDkcuEhNeRBNLEhEkN9Kj3YM2rGBczENABLED708184h 32m 11s ago
KBJzb5o9TrRuPnofyLHtaxqAxd3uUpGZHTENABLED708184h 32m 11s ago
KH25UZMsJMopKVDhpYfLjcaBKHLWFu6dM8ENABLED708184h 33m 41s ago
KTEh8H48AvdjhzFumozL9AdkPV2mPCrSpRENABLED708184h 36m 11s ago
KJNMhPTNeGthNcYaCxk8y9y3UrAYsfPEHfENABLED708184h 36m 26s ago
KNCeU9BrTB7oojK9ZyZV5AxQzjgnr7LZuKENABLED708184h 37m 11s ago
KB238ZY3E1BYFV5yjgz8HA9zrJEzrhWEwrENABLED708184h 37m 41s ago
KU1UM3HFhgUcCDSAkFMqN8rXGwf3BC6bnsENABLED708184h 38m 11s ago
KMYJTqXTPg41DzecQ4HrHqcAKHZ1Qw8EzzENABLED708184h 38m 41s ago
KFzoi9sa2qbhYiKvFQGQ1GG8ZjG1QYSotiENABLED708184h 39m 11s ago
KQP9VyVLUPQjH67i4ooANUd1ntaf3PsqLkENABLED708184h 41m 11s ago
KP2gsUYqX4wKtg4FoGmcwkbPgYWQktLW5yENABLED708184h 45m 56s ago
KAzGztEcpoos3LnFmfTQ4aMNUQmhoW883MENABLED708184h 46m 11s ago
KSBpEXjT4cTEdwtZTs1HUmFndaiJjtAHBaENABLED708184h 46m 56s ago
KNNgaADk3Uydg7eRq6pzqAbKGBLyfzjm9XENABLED708184h 49m 26s ago
KCFQFRgqHfPxsj88DDtqMxwDhZYLpVAfCCENABLED708184h 49m 41s ago
KWW8F2iGVEghTCZ1fV43z1MYmczB4t1ogAENABLED708184h 49m 56s ago
KDY3ZqCP935QpEThsXzjDDxU3AiTq422hbENABLED708184h 49m 56s ago
KAvAvqDbwFD8f5weEL1eju6R6qwsyEZtkhENABLED708184h 50m 26s ago

MNO is a masternode coin monitoring and stats service. MNO does not research or recommend any coin. Do your own research and invest at your own risk.

ROI changes often and is not the most important factor. Please consider Dev Team - Community - PURPOSE/Platform - Liquidity - Wallet when making masternode purchases.