GLINK statistics on
Active: | 1,004 |
Inactive: | 1 |
Total: | 1,005 |
Detailed masternode statuses |
Wallet version: | 4020250 |
Protocol version: | 170012 |
Version: | 60000 |
The majority of masternodes can be found by simply entering the IP address of your server. If there are no results, please enter your wallet's pubkey. It is the address of your masternode. If you still get no results ensure that your masternode is running and was recently connected to the network. We only store information for coins listed on
Masternode IP | Port | Pubkey | Status | Protocol | Last paid |
2a02:c206:2178:6417:d3a7::4 | s1gbtUTKG2Kyjo7sfyYKgRo3YyNKgAgLvdV | ENABLED | 170012 | 16h 15m 29s ago | |
2a02:c207:2025:4605:dc2c::4 | s1k6Fy8wkoL6poaGWK9ZRHi9SLweBiVjHFP | ENABLED | 170012 | 16h 16m 4s ago | |
2a02:c207:2159:3576:a181::8 | s1k5t9UwnJWmoJiYEJNAYWuk1vrQ2SnC1Sg | ENABLED | 170012 | 16h 22m 45s ago | |
2a02:c207:2025:6613:5ac6::4 | s1ghqpXgviybFgJ2wFePXAD9NkePD15MNNT | ENABLED | 170012 | 16h 26m 4s ago | |
2a02:c207:2027:4887:9562::6 | s1WQRqRi8VQgtR43qphQp7ZMCNpYM3usZmx | ENABLED | 170012 | 16h 26m 50s ago | |
2605:a140:2185:8213:a9ef::1 | s1ix5SrwgmmZTTDcoYcFiQjHwYQWLeBikrd | ENABLED | 170012 | 16h 27m 55s ago | |
2a02:c206:2159:3580:2782::7 | s1Yww3tBgdvgo9cgzMajbJS2T7QjnkDrUyT | ENABLED | 170012 | 16h 28m 29s ago | |
2a01:4f9:6b:4923::10:60 | s1jF3U11C27a57TmVXVidGiWRXUmnEexNSR | ENABLED | 170012 | 16h 34m 40s ago | |
2a02:c206:2080:5457::5 | s1R6UQMEgn4hL8wghHj8VZpKDuQwYCypNpL | ENABLED | 170012 | 16h 42m 48s ago | |
2a01:4f9:6b:4923::10:45 | s1eoZwi4ekcWBQK7G5vM3geuHtiCPNox2ba | ENABLED | 170012 | 16h 45m 17s ago | |
2a01:4f9:6b:4923::10:43 | s1eMLYLFGR7knDYZcFMJqq8ck23iXXxiEZB | ENABLED | 170012 | 17h 8m 35s ago | |
2a02:c206:2181:9353:9b63::4 | s1Wzf2PQBNAj3h4yEycndPZdFKLHPiBf31P | ENABLED | 170012 | 17h 26m 8s ago | |
2a02:c207:2029:2041:f28e::6 | s1cWCc6wj6cGeqT8xnRDm3JdK99XRiZByCX | ENABLED | 170012 | 17h 27m 32s ago | |
2a02:c207:2027:4872:e9fc::6 | s1XBNrmSnFxEeKbvpwKokGAXFT6UG7Pb2ND | ENABLED | 170012 | 17h 30m 54s ago | | | s1Qt5pGXysyKuhiKuojWbNJYnP97QVAoXkA | ENABLED | 170012 | 17h 36m 5s ago | |
2a02:c206:2080:5457::4 | s1i5yJBgPPp19kkXVpztAQ9JsLmKAXALkoE | ENABLED | 170012 | 17h 44m 44s ago | |
2a02:c207:2025:6598:2a1e::8 | s1ib6aDEYCSt8Ku9tLg9KKkWwcYDJLGpheV | ENABLED | 170012 | 17h 48m 3s ago | |
2a02:c206:2115:2332:3de0::5 | s1RxiCtzBx2Zen5KL4me4vsgAe9Ui16tMbb | ENABLED | 170012 | 17h 50m 25s ago | | | s1jVDBWxJndi4z7WneDpNgofepBMm4PChWK | ENABLED | 170012 | 17h 52m 35s ago | | | s1eyAySDTnQT8KB2TVmEpTE5G3kR6uLHRR7 | ENABLED | 170012 | 17h 58m 59s ago | |
2a02:c206:2163:3694:9dbc::4 | s1W8uSRdQs1e2sNPmwfNGn24Hpr5Y5XuQ9T | ENABLED | 170012 | 18h 12m 37s ago | | | s1RMNVMcSehQY3ZBuYYBfDzxhiLpyG4TaTU | ENABLED | 170012 | 18h 16m 14s ago | | | s1gUCo4GzzzGEnXQMXjDNzEqxaojT9f5X18 | ENABLED | 170012 | 18h 18m 4s ago | | | s1Rz8u795sGni5wPkgPYHrfZBLSDQyEnajN | ENABLED | 170012 | 18h 26m 56s ago | | | s1PsFfZtB6fFQ1XYEWfNpqiqsKT9TY1b1tY | ENABLED | 170012 | 18h 39m 24s ago | | | s1ixaM6URwdHEGBa3mNjTngF3ah2bihpym6 | ENABLED | 170012 | 18h 55m 31s ago | | | s1Q4E9iLzR4X4wZCsLVPxnJkw2zfJntPfFk | ENABLED | 170012 | 19h 24m 19s ago | |
2a02:c207:2027:3128:f392::1 | s1g8zsioZrvwEATJEmCTYRkzWsaHhCK4HFX | ENABLED | 170012 | 19h 29m 27s ago | |
2a02:c207:2025:5631:36cf::11 | s1axzdZeqS7TLq4aAk4D8YaSddcittYrSJT | ENABLED | 170012 | 19h 31m 5s ago | | | s1dXoGAyHj2qhoEWeYTptcUfktoYVrAum6D | ENABLED | 170012 | 19h 33m 29s ago | |
2a01:4f9:4a:342c::10:29 | s1ZrL7m4NBPqiWhrHX2TxQtrh6xBp5PBXzk | ENABLED | 170012 | 19h 46m 29s ago | | | s1ckELYtnor2jQEjMnXfKXobS4azrgX6b1U | ENABLED | 170012 | 19h 58m 36s ago | |
2a02:c207:2028:7721:b9f3::1 | s1fKRBXfNjLsQrrgp54tW7MTJ4Zm9QsUn5R | ENABLED | 170012 | 20h 30m 14s ago | |
2a02:c206:2168:9552:975c::4 | s1Z57Darj1neey9UtQE9ksVtxKa2WXzyXQg | ENABLED | 170012 | 20h 31m 37s ago | |
2a02:c206:2080:5457::19 | s1WXfLYjYXgXCWMpyMFX8wBo5Qq8v4GE45s | ENABLED | 170012 | 20h 38m 21s ago | | | s1QM84JJ8sHb5GsK1vFY4bQ6Mssuq8qeqg3 | ENABLED | 170012 | 20h 55m 25s ago | | | s1MkSwKyXoKYug7ZxVz7MB5raRNki2Yg49E | ENABLED | 170012 | 21h 18m 51s ago | |
2a02:c207:2027:4878:3eae::8 | s1S2wrSn9gpmBMd1SY8vb84JVapmQjTpzdn | ENABLED | 170012 | 22h 13m 22s ago | | | s1i9dV3ZKq6Zwt6MzcaWCg2jMbuRsuvNbSZ | ENABLED | 170012 | 22h 39m 34s ago | | | s1faUDLUUPUMbKMESUmM3DRjDCuK6r9Fyag | ENABLED | 170012 | 22h 45m 52s ago | |
2605:a140:2185:8218:4555::4 | s1RAbysacXZpTXJ7dfTsFeLRWxieu27V4vr | ENABLED | 170012 | 23h 25m 55s ago | |
2a01:4f9:3080:3218::10:6 | s1PEpk2rNLH19mKsAfLN88fyPbq9skhFutS | ENABLED | 170012 | 23h 46m ago | | | s1YZu1gv9npmxfj3LTffHMbkWLS9YjjcstC | ENABLED | 170012 | 23h 46m 44s ago | | | s1gt7gMDfTPn5fBA4eeFK2Vnxuh7tEPVF4x | ENABLED | 170012 | 23h 54m 19s ago | |
2a02:c207:2026:5521:8acd::4 | s1PMNYowRzBfQ5uGgu7t5U3it3ux8AsGDBz | ENABLED | 170012 | 1d 19m 57s ago | |
2a02:c206:2172:283:4a1b::7 | s1frbErCoEWsJBxgdxHFPJpVE58g99sge3G | ENABLED | 170012 | 1d 22m 32s ago | | | s1jKmWDmpA3abNrCqj6dnQ5YaSieP3XKYoK | ENABLED | 170012 | 1d 23m 47s ago | |
2a02:c206:2178:6424:b1ab::1 | s1MFbAMj1WFGgYgUMR7LW7Z6M9Fop7CojwT | ENABLED | 170012 | 1d 26m 28s ago | |
2a02:c206:2163:3695:8663::8 | s1QGY8pSK4keFpG7mVYAXSWdR22ZjorctZ3 | ENABLED | 170012 | 1d 1h 45m 2s ago | | | s1PVMoum9pa6au2m6jc3RqkmrJmL5oJra5M | ENABLED | 170012 | 1d 1h 54m 12s ago |
MNO is a masternode coin monitoring and stats service. MNO does not research or recommend any coin. Do your own research and invest at your own risk.
ROI changes often and is not the most important factor. Please consider Dev Team - Community - PURPOSE/Platform - Liquidity - Wallet when making masternode purchases.