Remardo Hosting

KnoxFS (KFX)

KFX statistics on

Masternode statistics

Active:    234
Inactive:    0
Total:    234
  Detailed masternode statuses

Official ROI: 77.65% / 470 days
24 hrs rewards for masternode: 497.8368

Last masternode reward: 0.6900 KFX for KWTX4z4581VGeJn1td5bbMAnJSPc1TnQdj

Blockchain statistics

Last block: 968,438
58s ago

24 Hrs blocks: 688
24 Hrs block time: 2m 5s
24 Hrs block time variance: +0.1045 % (faster)

AVG block time: 2m 5s
Genesis block: Dec 16 2020 01:02:00

MNO Wallet info

Wallet version:  5030300
Protocol version:  70003
Version:  170000

Wallet is connected to 11 peers
Show KFX addnodes

Search masternode

The majority of masternodes can be found by simply entering the IP address of your server. If there are no results, please enter your wallet's pubkey. It is the address of your masternode. If you still get no results ensure that your masternode is running and was recently connected to the network. We only store information for coins listed on

Masternode list

Masternode IPPortPubkeyStatusProtocolLast paid
KCKpaBCXRgZyPkZ4dhvgZbKNPJX5PngXMgENABLED700035h 44m 16s ago
KVT4QggaWS7PXvrvrNbsaJ7NE7aZN5rcZqENABLED700035h 44m 42s ago
KAiByKQ7tWmQh1fpzRJwjaZHgumk5JRz6HENABLED700035h 45m 4s ago
KE1dopEaC9izhJ2sDLjVHeA7bMPm4a4PqxENABLED700035h 47m 10s ago
KEbmHGnnYnrRsj5JSEjGZZTcKju5VUad9dENABLED700035h 49m 52s ago
KDPRWENidZhopmfmCuUQ8pFLwQKTMg5RedENABLED700035h 56m 20s ago
KHYZShLdv4haeeC94qwzkiyHryfr7Q7dWKENABLED700035h 58m ago
KGvXZ5oDwN8UeLiRiG2PFQWs94UmfbZtKmENABLED700035h 58m 24s ago
KHMzLgjsJsWy36KhxVqcdDJpScqm5nVsKzENABLED700035h 59m 28s ago
KVpw2KUiRhQ8GDafaaEy2pgoXtrQU4YKakENABLED700036h 30s ago
KCXFfkprSXbFx5D6PX3pBjR93XWRfe7xmoENABLED700036h 6m 14s ago
KHkvPYxwJb2bAgTgFQvbVR6tcSB29sGNnxENABLED700036h 7m 23s ago
K8kHKsbpV9TrYT6eg81vqwbofrSRz217VNENABLED700036h 7m 29s ago
KA34SAk8GCymwhYWp3D8ippzHkUx4qit3TENABLED700036h 8m 39s ago
K7GiV9NBoL76n6BWFgLRP1TFnndAHngwqTENABLED700036h 11m 24s ago
KVWVJkW7Nygoa8NAKysyXpYWNySqSiuUQ1ENABLED700036h 11m 59s ago
KQGYv4Yp9Rtgtwr75Z7J7SG9jsstnbz5NnENABLED700036h 14m 3s ago
KDmma6sLTxiktrnHqMy9tHeB9VazaUWi5XENABLED700036h 15m 27s ago
KGVHRMSL12eb4wTn77ckRanhMBqwBvHBf1ENABLED700036h 16m 25s ago
KL6H6Ykrevsppv8rskwkjLXA6nwf9tAbE4ENABLED700036h 18m 29s ago
KG7KeTFmWnYjm55q9gX1xbwcKMvqj8pK58ENABLED700036h 19m 23s ago
KRkcBwuH1qtUiQLfEwSSKyoadCF7f29g5zENABLED700036h 21m 6s ago
KP3UJCnxkDaDU3znBfvbxgB7zUGazwuWZKENABLED700036h 22m 47s ago
KBDVhWdv6WVP564dhJMZPXuYVBK8xXfuqeENABLED700036h 23m 1s ago
KAKmYYMTgxKr8WzNeTpuuqcjp9dGQG95t9ENABLED700036h 26m 7s ago
KUWGiiz3K5zmSFdDuY526FezybhArbaaegENABLED700036h 32m ago
KJTEFdX9GVcZBH26rXGAAGyRznbNqFJ3NJENABLED700036h 33m 5s ago
KCXRc32UonTFh7wLEczoZtPHwyPhAZ9b3aENABLED700036h 36m 14s ago
KQimAh7bdrA7gj4ipvkzGA4fbpZjcrq6zDENABLED700036h 37m 7s ago
KAeG2pnt854CGdyLpnFMhUXJeRRBDUd9TdENABLED700036h 38m 56s ago
KV1JgHEQtEkrbvJqVbUi6HKuyN3eooGrTPENABLED700036h 54m 28s ago
K7epxhmxHaFDYRtBJnUEvyfSncYyzLuC5oENABLED700036h 55m 14s ago
K99HhNMYqvCXVXRTQCgL9UrtkZ7zWps1LpENABLED700037h 37s ago
KJDXtqeLVzkaoWKEgrY1m3zRjv7MUHmMq3ENABLED700037h 59s ago
KBN377ayHJiSWwgLvUDNVGfgwDYCB83HfQENABLED700037h 1m 58s ago
KHAB23prng1g21SaFjSKcLFkSq36Z7wKVpENABLED700037h 2m 20s ago
K9iUtuqCe3ku6hXvhnpZToJRibySL54mGPENABLED700037h 4m 13s ago
KEJGJAXyYDs2HwmkYLC1EBybDLdeaWiwjQENABLED700037h 5m 32s ago
KRULyderupViAJf42xcEr2czSfm9E4uDmFENABLED700037h 11m 11s ago
KFVeeP4tARRPo3KHBJDijWyonfgU31gSQ2ENABLED700037h 11m 32s ago
KVeBrr4xRrXNQjE3oXFLqFdNKxRMfwYYdqENABLED700037h 15m 39s ago
KP71h3eD3VfsZiGUSGGPAo19yMEP1oes3tENABLED700037h 15m 54s ago
KKfdEpEgPPPfWXYDDi9b3TWo7oSTSGXJSdENABLED700037h 16m 41s ago
KNHzYbgEXvjwH8UcwmxjZVq5Nt4qP14wNHENABLED700037h 18m 37s ago
KPgcc5DDUfYhLZrU4q2mTeq8FU5LfZyyn3ENABLED700037h 21m ago
K94MEqvFEG9iy4Goxht7jJLJHBg5pqFe9bENABLED700037h 21m 24s ago
KMq5HvrcpGu27oL4tPy1DFvBurFtiizvZwENABLED700037h 22m 8s ago
KNY9xaSnUFH6SKryS6paPGcQiJkZfCuVTkENABLED700037h 24m 28s ago
KDkVnM5RQd1G3vFcPdkfTCbTBTzJqZfox7ENABLED700037h 25m 13s ago
KSEpAYQ8kofiCpag1DteiRWTEJLJsG8YT2ENABLED700037h 34m 5s ago

MNO is a masternode coin monitoring and stats service. MNO does not research or recommend any coin. Do your own research and invest at your own risk.

ROI changes often and is not the most important factor. Please consider Dev Team - Community - PURPOSE/Platform - Liquidity - Wallet when making masternode purchases.