PIVX statistics on masternodes.online

Masternode statistics

Active:    2,021
Inactive:    0
Total:    2,021
  Detailed masternode statuses

Official ROI: 15.22% / 2398 days
24 hrs rewards for masternode: 8,430.0000

Last masternode reward: 6.0000 PIVX for DEoDSYBFvshrGLt1ZxiTPzt9BPpVezMV8f

Blockchain statistics

Last block: 4,606,301
4m 3s ago

24 Hrs blocks: 1,405
24 Hrs block time: 1m 1s
24 Hrs block time variance: -2.8821 % (slower)

AVG block time: 59s
Genesis block: Jan 30 2016 04:10:07

MNO Wallet info

Wallet version:  5060100
Protocol version:  70927
Version:  170000

Wallet is connected to 16 peers
Show PIVX addnodes

Search masternode

The majority of masternodes can be found by simply entering the IP address of your server. If there are no results, please enter your wallet's pubkey. It is the address of your masternode. If you still get no results ensure that your masternode is running and was recently connected to the network. We only store information for coins listed on masternode.online.

Masternode list

PubkeyStatusProtocolLast paid
DKxUQs7tnTpUxARMHm6wQ5EXso8uNrebpXENABLED709271d 18h 51m 3s ago
D9ZgmsBVKnkt9Peb2fbBgEWg7LeqQpqeWcENABLED709271d 20h 39m 48s ago
D7zP7bfnESbgFtWYPBGeojemUVR1ppvdebENABLED709271d 21h 10m 3s ago
DS6wRFBkcNmuQy8eQ7dV4M2Q4ABVVfc93qENABLED709271d 21h 50m 18s ago
DLamc3MUD1RcDgzvLDFDfczzDKm7egPiKTENABLED709272d 55m 18s ago
DLykmacQ32Ed9ikRcHsCfBM61mey4cgZoUENABLED709272d 1h 35m 48s ago
D5gjWCv4bxNbmz6D1n4PVZf6TGNW9jM4gbENABLED709272d 12h 31m 3s ago
DJTYY8MzvvuKKwqLVpvUdVQHBMgFtiZJEsENABLED709272d 16h 20m 33s ago
DJNxYF43TBvz5AXgCs8sBL4vQdRtPnRsqRENABLED709272d 17h 12m 3s ago
DKR4NkFuN5aeWvHDHyDuJVKauTpzLJ35CBENABLED709272d 19h 29m 3s ago
DDi93dfwaHudPepajcgRXK6TGvhdZqZxKSENABLED709273d 6h 32m 48s ago
DMinTgfttZ2xUMAiMfrc2Q9AoYJ21pXoSPENABLED709273d 16h 35m 48s ago
D7VzFKxzonJt1y13VnjfubyQpYCBFfrQCYENABLED709273d 18h 15m 18s ago
DQ9UFcVbDKfXPFYBaWt1N5CG62ZeGBhoL1ENABLED709273d 23h 47m 3s ago
DTNGWVLM93vD7cpcpqq9SGCGX4AWvynSLHENABLED709274d 8h 32m 3s ago
DHzJ9TZyr2gxQhr8DHpjZti4T3z8UHb7D8ENABLED709274d 16h 49m 48s ago
DF4XPxJ5mQhPZ3FcFnRPWfpyPkQin3w4gDENABLED709274d 23h 27m 18s ago
DBFRg34uxUtDjy8xTt4BxmrEbs23zAQofvENABLED709275d 7h 56m 48s ago

MNO is a masternode coin monitoring and stats service. MNO does not research or recommend any coin. Do your own research and invest at your own risk.

ROI changes often and is not the most important factor. Please consider Dev Team - Community - PURPOSE/Platform - Liquidity - Wallet when making masternode purchases.