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Gemlink (GLINK)

GLINK statistics on

Pubkey:  s1hTb5fESRUue4t4pe522U325cQwszHoJwb
Masternode status:  ENABLED
Wallet protocol:  170012 - wallet is up-to-date
IP address:  2a02:c206:2129:6413:
Port:  19 | Check port status
Masternode location:  DE Germany
Total payouts (past 14 days):  1
Total earned (past 14 days):  15.00000000 GLINK
Last reward:  16h 36m 21s ago
Mean time between Stakes:  14d
Estimated next reward:  13d 7h 23m 39s
ROI for this Masternode:  1.96 % / 18,667 days (counted with last 14 days rewards)
Official ROI:  26.30 % / 1,388 days
Masternode win ratio:   7.4525 % (Selected Pubkey ROI vs Stated Masternode ROI over the last 14 days)

back to Gemlink (GLINK) - masternodes explorer

Last masternode rewards

BlockTransaction IDBlock timeMasternode reward
3,313,8598421cee0e0b3947214bf3341ffa2249d32265bfea57e804e57e6f4ee536545852024-04-28 17:25:5715.00000000
back to Gemlink (GLINK) - masternodes explorer

MNO is a masternode coin monitoring and stats service. MNO does not research or recommend any coin. Do your own research and invest at your own risk.

ROI changes often and is not the most important factor. Please consider Dev Team - Community - PURPOSE/Platform - Liquidity - Wallet when making masternode purchases.