Remardo Hosting


PIVX statistics on

Masternode statistics

Active:    1,969
Inactive:    1
Total:    1,970
  Detailed masternode statuses

Official ROI: 34.66% / 1053 days
24 hrs rewards for masternode: 18,695.6865

Last masternode reward: 6.0000 PIVX for DKGunFwuB5Q9c4npK9x8MW2xc8kiKAJWFc

Blockchain statistics

Last block: 4,489,428
51s ago

24 Hrs blocks: 1,403
24 Hrs block time: 1m 1s
24 Hrs block time variance: -3.0957 % (slower)

AVG block time: 59s
Genesis block: Jan 30 2016 04:10:07

MNO Wallet info

Wallet version:  5060100
Protocol version:  70927
Version:  170000

Wallet is connected to 16 peers
Show PIVX addnodes

Search masternode

The majority of masternodes can be found by simply entering the IP address of your server. If there are no results, please enter your wallet's pubkey. It is the address of your masternode. If you still get no results ensure that your masternode is running and was recently connected to the network. We only store information for coins listed on

Masternode list

PubkeyStatusProtocolLast paid
DC9YnfmRG2Rm8g1nsS8AGnQpwvrvsN4EEgENABLED709274h 19m 7s ago
DMe4TJDukYTZfY3GtRAKEMhQhjDd4Tb22sENABLED709274h 19m 52s ago
DUHahED1RiLAohohBvwah8iAMm8vfZBD7dENABLED709274h 20m 52s ago
DBRsPrVwek4uK5P4Vd7C7oT3T1FkfzJ9A5ENABLED709274h 22m 52s ago
DC25KwNxZ2sEH8tPpcD6knZhUL5emfXf9fENABLED709274h 23m 7s ago
D5ErxYPEz7y6aYhufsTQTdHvKSpmXvCF4zENABLED709274h 23m 22s ago
DGtW92K8HhxUAb6diGnFQ9u7V3QiaXhyWdENABLED709274h 24m 22s ago
DHfmZA1sFPXPujSnhHsprJffVi4tM76apYENABLED709274h 24m 52s ago
DMAdJh5zJHvSRnLfJyyFAjdRcCtEgNWihbENABLED709274h 25m 52s ago
D7nCfd2s3vNZqmMsAvryP8agb8ivxBQUo5ENABLED709274h 29m 52s ago
DC8TKpQgPXrtajnay9G9eNJAEbugrDhN3VENABLED709274h 30m 7s ago
D7SFsDXDTRiTVHPmJaAVTfThPT6kqB1VnAENABLED709274h 30m 22s ago
DSjtJvsJCLeMTuRPB9fMvkpDq19s1z2jvVENABLED709274h 30m 52s ago
D5vzvMMTGHiwfqRa1wD4iyXnjxcMrn9VSqENABLED709274h 31m 7s ago
DNMNtkgDtBmwhB5viq4cMHScbdRmSLYVeyENABLED709274h 32m 7s ago
DQYgtzW2wb1DQwYUCKWaf54DisRkmLTGx3ENABLED709274h 32m 52s ago
DNdEfTu6vrCd3Kwhf63hSfcc1ooAC9jjxEENABLED709274h 33m 52s ago
DBqmepNiURDBL4JapFBMeaBmeBDYsTcHs9ENABLED709274h 35m 52s ago
DGkQHRAas8kfqNonUPiyLpmSEm6wfUuBP9ENABLED709274h 36m 7s ago
DQ4gVF6xQpPrKNVBGnA8MqBSjWKqx9jgokENABLED709274h 36m 37s ago
DQ6M5veBr7iwRWAnXE5FxwF6hPszUb2UuQENABLED709274h 37m 22s ago
DKvnK3FNxJwgn2oVKm2UmFX9CC7PqNcaq8ENABLED709274h 37m 37s ago
DMinTgfttZ2xUMAiMfrc2Q9AoYJ21pXoSPENABLED709274h 38m 22s ago
D5AoaA3Hd9r265VK9FFVCTuTBXfNEJExBPENABLED709274h 38m 37s ago
DAXiad6YbQUaAQeXca915uieAVkvdu7PY9ENABLED709274h 39m 37s ago
DQCvb6k9AqA3hH6hmEy6WkWf4eidHa9AmZENABLED709274h 40m 22s ago
DNsexz8Syh1BbccJy7A1mjdQLLVAWdNeSiENABLED709274h 41m 22s ago
DDPgRM8dFRAcWG4CMPqS1NR7yVohVFbcMiENABLED709274h 42m 22s ago
DU4ccwZCrUhb7vvUBUS9jxZDoQ9Z4Tkdo6ENABLED709274h 43m 7s ago
DT3ayJMNVa1HnD56Wcbw5Ntr8LMxPp5PxbENABLED709274h 43m 22s ago
DBEDZzMswArjPszj3ybp1VkBkaKJrymiEdENABLED709274h 46m 22s ago
D8jnJjHuSoJx7Woqj4cQJu2GbeW4Yn6vW5ENABLED709274h 53m 37s ago
DLWCHRACawanpNMW87mYLub8aYGtomxKkFENABLED709274h 54m 7s ago
D6DwLsBeJ1Fqk5i2Evny8A9eu6Xtodh1asENABLED709274h 54m 22s ago
D9gDUmuBW8p6198KWLde2v1o87SAdXqrH8ENABLED709274h 54m 52s ago
D7T4XkXb9LY9DUDWV5uD26Z58Nvb4YjtPjENABLED709274h 55m 37s ago
D6u2TYFtrJUJVRuKhkcftqbSW1RLY1ASiAENABLED709274h 55m 52s ago
DAvAs4xrF79toDh3N3fvyWhQmL2TtsWzJjENABLED709274h 56m 37s ago
D6wmSJCmXd9dUM4BTRsasgiUen4eUsCDKCENABLED709274h 57m 22s ago
D7LrNy7zrnBDYqNNyT5oyyh6nNGJpxuYb8ENABLED709274h 58m 22s ago
D5nYtMEuNgPrHVhWCoizsjzR6tuUJdFnGuENABLED709274h 58m 52s ago
DQAZwKST9gyYeWgtghQas7WCzevi3AcQnrENABLED709275h 7s ago
DMgatg1hg9fqze6y7P1HHkMVHHjWqmwmRUENABLED709275h 1m 7s ago
D9ciAGDHb66ViGRPPbWg9CTvHM4qyaXKZ6ENABLED709275h 1m 37s ago
DNDe4S8mUbfMKwYQtekXK6xxwLwHXr5ziAENABLED709275h 3m 7s ago
DSneytfWodTrYt4n3TawsXGJ9GqSZs9i1YENABLED709275h 4m 7s ago
DG2MKbu543ZgzuVP6WxH5G8nGAgsk5H8UXENABLED709275h 6m 52s ago
D9mWLCb9dQmRxbEcM7hxApneMJSRd5Mcf5ENABLED709275h 7m 52s ago
DSjLHtrJPy2KXXjVBUBVkrPpSo9sU63isrENABLED709275h 8m 7s ago
DA9nTn7DoGSHbuDAYse58TGQWPuNXHBxJKENABLED709275h 9m 37s ago

MNO is a masternode coin monitoring and stats service. MNO does not research or recommend any coin. Do your own research and invest at your own risk.

ROI changes often and is not the most important factor. Please consider Dev Team - Community - PURPOSE/Platform - Liquidity - Wallet when making masternode purchases.