Remardo Hosting


PIVX statistics on

Masternode statistics

Active:    1,970
Inactive:    0
Total:    1,970
  Detailed masternode statuses

Official ROI: 33.67% / 1084 days
24 hrs rewards for masternode: 18,175.1976

Last masternode reward: 6.0000 PIVX for D7w2ZefzfQ6u1zEyNNYTTUiBp837V5mL2N

Blockchain statistics

Last block: 4,489,464
1m 47s ago

24 Hrs blocks: 1,402
24 Hrs block time: 1m 1s
24 Hrs block time variance: -3.1648 % (slower)

AVG block time: 59s
Genesis block: Jan 30 2016 04:10:07

MNO Wallet info

Wallet version:  5060100
Protocol version:  70927
Version:  170000

Wallet is connected to 16 peers
Show PIVX addnodes

Search masternode

The majority of masternodes can be found by simply entering the IP address of your server. If there are no results, please enter your wallet's pubkey. It is the address of your masternode. If you still get no results ensure that your masternode is running and was recently connected to the network. We only store information for coins listed on

Masternode list

PubkeyStatusProtocolLast paid
DCo3uy4djVuRh9LgzB5Gg2vioBJNMJoxSAENABLED709272h 34m 17s ago
DCmKqeFD2rqRrPEHdaHqXiyhHDFJ2cj59RENABLED709272h 40m 17s ago
DSQkgdkQcsgjzcsVAvJeUrdxggxLQqxuZwENABLED709272h 42m 2s ago
D7NWdKsu6sXUWFUNU6FzLSB7RseVumgodSENABLED709272h 43m 47s ago
DQ4qAGfE5qd8SKReezf98kSKAdCSesuQPUENABLED709272h 45m 17s ago
DDHQDNFUYGvknLv4XVAKLis8Hi7oqrubSxENABLED709272h 45m 32s ago
D5rSEeXp2pXt4xittEmCW8VYHr3bJ4snoBENABLED709272h 46m 47s ago
DMm6zbVw2HZuKUSaxt55YrLJCU9rRuck2gENABLED709272h 47m 17s ago
DAiYFjk3Sf8oSV9jk6jzpoFkszCyPUCMrpENABLED709272h 48m 17s ago
D7pwkSf885seasoEt9hbCHdqxaQRgwyzo1ENABLED709272h 48m 32s ago
DJtnCqfJzo63kkSJHZ2uofhwedAvbbc32fENABLED709272h 50m 2s ago
DFCk7B2ErHzapt6PWbMFVNhYtyev8g2eXEENABLED709272h 53m 2s ago
D5ALfQusZeFf65iyF7uWjRjwi9FybHWrAiENABLED709272h 53m 32s ago
DPnozHmeHA3Z2e11YBYZG4qhj3LgQ9V7RZENABLED709272h 54m 17s ago
D7U6nGE8N6ay8t1Nuzwqb4X1ZvweWqMathENABLED709272h 55m 17s ago
DA7Vyfte9JmsbWmFQL8ScuBg9BZTsW6ApAENABLED709272h 55m 47s ago
DLamc3MUD1RcDgzvLDFDfczzDKm7egPiKTENABLED709272h 56m 17s ago
DJttFsLNabwdpYNC4CZfEG7fZHhqCxUnYfENABLED709272h 58m 17s ago
D5F4zxhmQv6pwidkxBrQkLSJu5HApiC8PYENABLED709272h 59m 32s ago
DBaCaxeasDQCCVaWXrJooqdwEtQ4Gww8PkENABLED709273h 32s ago
DQJC6U9BCiEwPoEA5udcHucjjTyETHJJAuENABLED709273h 1m 32s ago
DKuAkt753pT2Wt7G2E7Cb2ovzqSqYfobF1ENABLED709273h 1m 47s ago
D6363GCXNe32J4VCjQFMREJSsqXtSN3TJqENABLED709273h 3m 2s ago
DPekvmvRqHEgoCkV1okdgq8fAf47GEQrBUENABLED709273h 3m 32s ago
DTuRYNofPTygF3frMZEKWk6PdCgWsw2AwDENABLED709273h 4m 2s ago
DUQEnerTFDXX2YzPQCGiWmVhuHw4MfMsbUENABLED709273h 5m 2s ago
DC7qUZLdM6WrdYD22WBTc1byCC6zCUkjSXENABLED709273h 5m 32s ago
DE6gxpgsL7HJsoFTDL4ssBpRKnJkAyPmVtENABLED709273h 6m 17s ago
DA3oqht9fPyyvDMCjB7esg8Q7F8usJUyr4ENABLED709273h 6m 47s ago
DA2XdvY3Q1kgwaBUqyAVzbdJhdzHoWkFp4ENABLED709273h 8m 2s ago
DKAnFAsH6a8wbKsovCCojJ1jjYZdecmd37ENABLED709273h 10m 17s ago
D5T1YqsJQmK7TfKsTq1dFaxYUEByRyYXPqENABLED709273h 10m 32s ago
DBbJjQizBk3znea8hfzc5iutSHGkf29pRuENABLED709273h 11m 2s ago
D7ciRpRmx6Jb2DvjGwn7bfydXCYJwbCVzLENABLED709273h 12m 47s ago
DSg1SScgTezfFZbTdbaCVvo7CZgbnm63LkENABLED709273h 13m 17s ago
DEVmawpCh8UBXUKek6938p7pLvdG6hhCy5ENABLED709273h 14m 47s ago
DB3k1sqXwgQHPmvYmsfJxk3GgNdH7aZ7jgENABLED709273h 15m 47s ago
DSQByvjU68BkSTKe3jGDhfjJ1pp4kHZxNFENABLED709273h 16m 47s ago
DE1h69iyXpkskuBDPZpAjdHMy5wJbPWXYmENABLED709273h 17m 17s ago
DDJr7yiVSxrfLyHp6L6Zn39ENcrzgdeDsvENABLED709273h 18m 47s ago
D5oZCtm5CHHN9jMnjLq723oCbcieXXBbJ6ENABLED709273h 19m 17s ago
DTL4L5fUTKm5LNp1M29DGEKsByGeSsWZzQENABLED709273h 20m 2s ago
D9XGf5WdEdZRbVDzbt5AhohY2NNcFfntRjENABLED709273h 20m 47s ago
DAQZZe8FtubBNPQYaeWSMvXPDdS5LigAv1ENABLED709273h 21m 17s ago
DSgfiNBP1mKPNGJ2KsaYYPnvmhUELV8QWWENABLED709273h 23m 17s ago
DLCpJi1kEreDbjiyGBbU5suYoMigZVNyECENABLED709273h 26m 17s ago
DC9NziY7HsNoJcZ5uHvob8BoC1uaCcR5qQENABLED709273h 27m 17s ago
DKB5M2keaYHYb9GdnmAGgbJC1iNLgMHmQBENABLED709273h 27m 32s ago
DDZ4mQ5dUkWCvRqYXGrXq3xvcoGxzEpnVzENABLED709273h 28m 17s ago
D7L6wkh1CMQqQ7JMX5B8pckKcYYukWuYTNENABLED709273h 28m 32s ago

MNO is a masternode coin monitoring and stats service. MNO does not research or recommend any coin. Do your own research and invest at your own risk.

ROI changes often and is not the most important factor. Please consider Dev Team - Community - PURPOSE/Platform - Liquidity - Wallet when making masternode purchases.