PIVX statistics on masternodes.online

Masternode statistics

Active:    1,971
Inactive:    0
Total:    1,971
  Detailed masternode statuses

Official ROI: 28.83% / 1266 days
24 hrs rewards for masternode: 15,566.7530

Last masternode reward: 6.0000 PIVX for D9Hk9pfxCKExD7nHPbvsNXQLwU4rsYTEYR

Blockchain statistics

Last block: 4,489,700
40s ago

24 Hrs blocks: 1,396
24 Hrs block time: 1m 1s
24 Hrs block time variance: -3.5790 % (slower)

AVG block time: 59s
Genesis block: Jan 30 2016 04:10:07

MNO Wallet info

Wallet version:  5060100
Protocol version:  70927
Version:  170000

Wallet is connected to 16 peers
Show PIVX addnodes

Search masternode

The majority of masternodes can be found by simply entering the IP address of your server. If there are no results, please enter your wallet's pubkey. It is the address of your masternode. If you still get no results ensure that your masternode is running and was recently connected to the network. We only store information for coins listed on masternode.online.

Masternode list

PubkeyStatusProtocolLast paid
DSfC2vTige3zHJkzeH36k4VWbs8Ma2eX6HENABLED709271d 6h 24m 25s ago
D7roCS4SioZ74Q7vmb8uzRdZwrvauCEtUoENABLED709271d 6h 25m 10s ago
DHifkADvQuvanBaNhCMeBXoKy3rKmXuVXsENABLED709271d 6h 26m 55s ago
DUAAjh8sm19dvYNh6JtMHifpex1aeefJurENABLED709271d 6h 27m 10s ago
DQjq4kAtUV8Dz4ypBPNxAPRDoBiwUtrEiSENABLED709271d 6h 28m 25s ago
D8FbEDhBBF5ju9eSM8Gg3HQmUDyPoLT8ZVENABLED709271d 6h 32m 10s ago
D62cLVRo97dB5DFvmwY5UhEhyNN6jysfEHENABLED709271d 6h 32m 40s ago
DSrmU1dbi7cSvDd5XcrnHZ797pkHEw2zyyENABLED709271d 6h 33m 10s ago
D6aJngv3M3u8EdhRNe5h9UAacwEFZEaPTKENABLED709271d 6h 34m 10s ago
DScbozdM9HRfsPfscqx425VTkpbyANUtL1ENABLED709271d 6h 34m 25s ago
DA6u9uqNbKHPfbvph1qcsA9tLsS9j8cVj3ENABLED709271d 6h 34m 55s ago
D91FWTpLa9EM7A2fGNXi9ENBhZJb6tq2vSENABLED709271d 6h 37m 40s ago
DAXsvizekxXMaJKuC9A2AMFqdQaBqauc6JENABLED709271d 6h 39m 10s ago
D68sowsAN3K2eFKGPaeM91VKcRtC5RZK7cENABLED709271d 6h 39m 40s ago
DQy3DW4iDsYHiMe6whaXMbGERymHgsgwSKENABLED709271d 6h 40m 40s ago
DSa2JSGPk8CPXNyLeA7LBix8RcA8u3v5CnENABLED709271d 6h 40m 55s ago
DLNXBXsX4ijUewEQvGKE6rKcZANreRrKjuENABLED709271d 6h 41m 55s ago
DTNyytjwqiUtGHmFXa4PJNizWJJCS1iFwCENABLED709271d 6h 42m 10s ago
DFhF6yEaNQSvvJddSNFyggijjei6jysyZZENABLED709271d 6h 42m 40s ago
DRzzaYyFk1G7hSpT7xH9WHRHnQufFrJYAjENABLED709271d 6h 42m 55s ago
DADxqf1v6NkkDhbWhW8pjR6TWrXf3q5zLsENABLED709271d 6h 43m 40s ago
D75f5TZBn7Jzq3vPVWi2Z1fn3hVa1VTk5uENABLED709271d 6h 43m 55s ago
DQz1T7nmxqGzy68hBArRfh42YbBfDjsvH9ENABLED709271d 6h 44m 40s ago
DBKFrwvTy356NLBQP4hRfpAVTrXH6iW1afENABLED709271d 6h 44m 55s ago
D5dXPEek8CZF3oSPBA2ZLZeCEm8ixQuPYNENABLED709271d 6h 45m 55s ago
DJjK56vXgeao4AWzancxpop7irns6zdQjFENABLED709271d 6h 47m 10s ago
DLiecRAZ5MwDGfiNbBumPd4tuNadbyNnnWENABLED709271d 6h 48m 40s ago
DJDqJrKr5cW18LJ1n29opHWXCb6MbhooqaENABLED709271d 6h 49m 25s ago
D5TYc8hxfE8XCUMJSnoVaC16KbsRWfqNZGENABLED709271d 6h 50m 25s ago
DNNfNMFXT5Lx9xJYGZGsVCy1P6rrAbdSVxENABLED709271d 6h 51m 25s ago
DLYSfjh8NBAyfo4cdF3RpEF2cn4NMX9TaXENABLED709271d 6h 52m 10s ago
DN8XyJNHE2famXUaNtcSNMkMxgjPMFvvDSENABLED709271d 6h 54m 10s ago
DNJH2wCvnTuYDcXEu7KqsA87UV1tFVB2KAENABLED709271d 6h 57m 25s ago
DRq9dgqDym3CGKmD6xzx2pEpAWypBGmPJQENABLED709271d 6h 58m 40s ago
DBNrfyd1sTJMz5eUyomkm7dQXcvudeXFvcENABLED709271d 6h 59m 10s ago
DRNqUtF41CtybiGL18ueMWw7ZzNPmRt2JXENABLED709271d 7h 55s ago
DALkypPG3HcwprUZfethJDy6y7SXXaZSN4ENABLED709271d 7h 2m 25s ago
DFsVrk1eN9UpyWuKU1H3ce6qirRgCRFRtAENABLED709271d 7h 2m 40s ago
DJdun9ybBLxoi5vkepmiMX1rbe9rQpw7P4ENABLED709271d 7h 6m 40s ago
DGZMmt1EFU5mG7c4v6gwz9dGytz9h6ND5GENABLED709271d 7h 7m 40s ago
DUHbebAujSWx1ADVjskpXmfD4BDEA1sAjAENABLED709271d 7h 7m 55s ago
DRVa6CV1Sb1jQNBdqH4AALNEf2H1qx2ieoENABLED709271d 7h 8m 10s ago
DMMSkr5QnTFdFJn6qzannenejyAfMGVa31ENABLED709271d 7h 9m 40s ago
DBAoGKyaua1xaYsmwkcikKQDG2PjxHK5R3ENABLED709271d 7h 11m 10s ago
DNsQDQ6MhVkrRN7a9N1TtaB4sWYmB4Au8MENABLED709271d 7h 13m 40s ago
D78eMkE6pbifMf8fKRxdzk1EqYPM2qizxMENABLED709271d 7h 13m 55s ago
D9YAzcLSEwVCJTQ6DYfv2C8GhUWL3PC9p3ENABLED709271d 7h 15m 40s ago
DJR979YTC9r2jMHwfxthqg6bZ6yjkDjKUaENABLED709271d 7h 15m 55s ago
DEjrCGgjz3hDBEF74TRtT16fG1iP7759MzENABLED709271d 7h 16m 25s ago
D9raj6dR5bBVZhpY29TozjEHgdXaCC7NwYENABLED709271d 7h 23m 10s ago

MNO is a masternode coin monitoring and stats service. MNO does not research or recommend any coin. Do your own research and invest at your own risk.

ROI changes often and is not the most important factor. Please consider Dev Team - Community - PURPOSE/Platform - Liquidity - Wallet when making masternode purchases.