PIVX statistics on

Masternode statistics

Active:    2,018
Inactive:    1
Total:    2,019
  Detailed masternode statuses

Official ROI: 18.14% / 2012 days
24 hrs rewards for masternode: 10,029.1820

Last masternode reward: 6.0000 PIVX for DNR98kiWybdbSMZ5GQD3wSy84SfVn2QhEG

Blockchain statistics

Last block: 4,618,919
1m 4s ago

24 Hrs blocks: 1,408
24 Hrs block time: 1m 1s
24 Hrs block time variance: -2.6668 % (slower)

AVG block time: 59s
Genesis block: Jan 30 2016 04:10:07

MNO Wallet info

Wallet version:  5060100
Protocol version:  70927
Version:  170000

Wallet is connected to 16 peers
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Search masternode

The majority of masternodes can be found by simply entering the IP address of your server. If there are no results, please enter your wallet's pubkey. It is the address of your masternode. If you still get no results ensure that your masternode is running and was recently connected to the network. We only store information for coins listed on

Masternode list

PubkeyStatusProtocolLast paid
DSP9HVyXwfDn4kHrBEv1NaRyjbH4Ec8AmYENABLED709271d 3h 22m 4s ago
DHJE6ew6ANLQHPLqsJh2dVBrnF7nF23ArWENABLED709271d 3h 23m 4s ago
D9XGf5WdEdZRbVDzbt5AhohY2NNcFfntRjENABLED709271d 3h 23m 19s ago
DA4pbTbTdusf7BdztAko4EnQm66Vkb5tGFENABLED709271d 3h 24m 34s ago
DQKgmQavVfU7KaBNcaG5uEQgtptXLtv93oENABLED709271d 3h 24m 49s ago
DFocj1drVkTENER6rPKAq3krMMmveXa2VnENABLED709271d 3h 25m 34s ago
DHvzT1HWNA6PuVvNkK5GQiNtwZZvn1dUwdENABLED709271d 3h 26m 49s ago
DP4Cgc4AqMRVqvhiXcdMBRrwqsSWnEzZY7ENABLED709271d 3h 28m 4s ago
DHC5fagxWtxBzT2JbjbooPgM3MJgofTa4nENABLED709271d 3h 28m 49s ago
D7yQySgaTUBC2eegvafVGExLJiaGMb3mq5ENABLED709271d 3h 29m 34s ago
DQrftqKjkMYTgfPa7iJygvrjqQzaugzwkJENABLED709271d 3h 30m 34s ago
DDkWE47juwq3frirsem877sEwW9fngvM6jENABLED709271d 3h 31m 4s ago
DLWCHRACawanpNMW87mYLub8aYGtomxKkFENABLED709271d 3h 31m 34s ago
DBvBxZ6dn2MtoGrC7u3QFwiPmhop3vYyLqENABLED709271d 3h 31m 49s ago
DHPeAbZFW1J2neTh7V6KcsbY4LVbwkkHRgENABLED709271d 3h 32m 34s ago
D7XgQ5bDC5tjXYX2MNtkpG26HqfErKvCK9ENABLED709271d 3h 33m 34s ago
DBEDZzMswArjPszj3ybp1VkBkaKJrymiEdENABLED709271d 3h 37m 4s ago
D6aJngv3M3u8EdhRNe5h9UAacwEFZEaPTKENABLED709271d 3h 37m 34s ago
DUMMQehs3fqLLmUkrTLsY26mXoebEei678ENABLED709271d 3h 40m 34s ago
DEf61rwYaxDxBqWTJuYvTBLej4jcyNJZYfENABLED709271d 3h 40m 49s ago
DUGyzokzv3PaLBkSYSSKNFEZDTvchwQM5EENABLED709271d 3h 41m 4s ago
D5gjWCv4bxNbmz6D1n4PVZf6TGNW9jM4gbENABLED709271d 3h 41m 34s ago
DNMDUPypc8eh45Thr2zLu5jrUiQDhtRDorENABLED709271d 3h 43m 19s ago
DH2HAx8qXziP6k1n3cbiVFN8sAGsc2DWnQENABLED709271d 3h 44m 19s ago
DTNyytjwqiUtGHmFXa4PJNizWJJCS1iFwCENABLED709271d 3h 46m 19s ago
D8f4rvNSjAHMHXXa8xTkVUrWJpPALcTCs3ENABLED709271d 3h 47m 34s ago
D62woGY3udWQK8wBhJiLyJj618AUSKoC7GENABLED709271d 3h 48m 4s ago
D9D7eHMGcTiv4txMuqkziaNxmNv9bb6maHENABLED709271d 3h 48m 49s ago
DHguNrogmayej5J9yg5sQjLqB2GXsBkjY7ENABLED709271d 3h 49m 4s ago
DRzcM2Sv49mUxPUUsfwcnkiLrECUwDbuQYENABLED709271d 3h 51m 34s ago
DDpnAVxS87awC1pLzDroGV17198DLppmryENABLED709271d 3h 51m 49s ago
D9gKX8rrV6Aqd8PvoQSobzcEsHpy7FRGi4ENABLED709271d 3h 53m 19s ago
D7SFsDXDTRiTVHPmJaAVTfThPT6kqB1VnAENABLED709271d 3h 55m 19s ago
DQYrJZ34p4tPDTXHFoHzhAiE3VYZ7GZ1b9ENABLED709271d 3h 56m 34s ago
DTbfS3hp3wPKwKLJWVvAHSN2C1vY6bEwaCENABLED709271d 3h 57m 19s ago
DB13XJXQS99LAQAoqU1mvk1ywHAGYg8d7bENABLED709271d 4h 34s ago
DSQxZ3vba7VDnh7pQyzyw5QXRpkph1iHxxENABLED709271d 4h 1m 4s ago
DTaM48kR7mKQGfMNRnMig6BugGSugvW8tXENABLED709271d 4h 1m 34s ago
D8BqaWBvbk9zenBJCfzp9GyWB5tJmSwDDCENABLED709271d 4h 1m 49s ago
DBdtjJ3m84vqMnUySghni6uyYQ5uYc7Pz5ENABLED709271d 4h 2m 19s ago
DUQEnerTFDXX2YzPQCGiWmVhuHw4MfMsbUENABLED709271d 4h 2m 49s ago
DD1ff3ZXcYCc3m8gF43Azx7jowUDvc9fVgENABLED709271d 4h 3m 19s ago
DSLxsZPPsiwBmUWUNGTjkD95uSmWgA19fDENABLED709271d 4h 7m 49s ago
DHSHsfJzLXborHHYTzTGYdWJZ4ZdRtG5E2ENABLED709271d 4h 10m 19s ago
DTY9v4dD8H3RMXcu9dEXPzk9urrbYzTxT7ENABLED709271d 4h 10m 34s ago
DQXo4CN5RxTr54uWmPML7jd4xRnLPdYNzFENABLED709271d 4h 12m 19s ago
DQJaPYmYSLfHq2FjAP12V2GSkCgyxJiHXGENABLED709271d 4h 13m 4s ago
D8qt3Awkr3yc3d5EUXueK1ueagxvDPMi8AENABLED709271d 4h 13m 34s ago
DBRLiHteCYRqfoiMdCYRKQPMrRufBBz8qkENABLED709271d 4h 14m 4s ago
DPU22F49cEiVmS1Xmp2Hn52C3ppkgkHLrgENABLED709271d 4h 14m 49s ago

MNO is a masternode coin monitoring and stats service. MNO does not research or recommend any coin. Do your own research and invest at your own risk.

ROI changes often and is not the most important factor. Please consider Dev Team - Community - PURPOSE/Platform - Liquidity - Wallet when making masternode purchases.